Disclaimer Of Information And Content

All the information on Mindful Yogis website, in offline classes, workshops, and other live events, including all online events, as well as all recordings, notes, and other materials in text, image, audio, and other formats, was generated solely for information and educational purposes.


Yoga Therapy is a supplemental therapy and not to take the place of conventional medicine. It should not be used as a substitute for expert medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment because that is not how it is intended to be used.


You should –


  • When in doubt about a medical condition, always consult a doctor or other trained healthcare professional


  • Never put off getting medical attention, disregard a doctor’s advice, or stop receiving medical treatment because of what you have seen, read, or heard on this website.


  • Do not use the knowledge found on the Mindful Yogis website, in our recordings, or in any other content as a substitute for medical advice from a physician or other healthcare professional.


Please be aware that not everyone should exercise, and that any physical activity, including this one, has the risk of injury. Before engaging in the techniques discussed on this website, associated recordings, live or online courses, or events, please check your doctor to see if any restrictions apply to you.


Do not force the workout or strain yourself to avoid getting hurt. Please stop exercising right away and see your doctor if you feel any pain or discomfort.


The authors, publishers, and distributors of any content found on this website or any related platforms, such as social media sites, learning management systems, or any live or online event, do not warrant that the services, exercises, or advice provided herein will be suitable for everyone and disclaim all liability for loss or injury resulting from such use.

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